Hellenic Cultural Center NYC

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The HELLENIC CULTURAL CENTER NYC on 25-02 Newtown Ave, Queens, NY 11102, was established in 1985 in its current location, in Astoria New York , through the efforts, dedication and commitment of members of the Hellenic (Greek) American Community and the spiritual guidance and leadership of Archbishop Iakovos.

The two-level structure consists of the 172 seat “THESPIS THEATER”, the 60 seat FAMA BLACK BOX THEATER (under construction) , a lobby area , the 1,400 square-foot AEGEAN HALL (lobby/exhibit area), the Nikos Andriotis Reading Rehearsing room, classrooms, and a small library. 
The mission of the HELLENIC CULTURAL CENTER NYC is to promote Hellenic (Greek) culture, language and civilization, while supporting the arts (Hellenic and not only)  in Astoria and New York. 
The Center pursues its mission by producing, sponsoring, and hosting a variety of programs and events, often in collaboration with other educational and cultural organizations, including a number within the Greek American and Philhellenic communities.

The HELLENIC CULTURAL CENTER NYC presence and role is crucial to the cultural life of Astoria Queens New York and the Hellenic-American community at the Tri-State Area. It is one of the three institution in the area with a mission to promote Hellenic culture and language and with the infrastructures to carry out that mission. As such, the Center fits seamlessly into New York’s cultural and intellectual environment.


Valuation of artistic season 2023-24 / Who we are and what we did this season

The Hellenic Cultural Center NYC is a cultural hub in New York, attracting diverse visitors with captivating theater productions, musical events, and artistic endeavors. Partnered with esteemed organizations, the center offers a unique platform to engage with the sophisticated community of Astoria and beyond. The FAMA Project enriches the cultural landscape by fostering creativity through acting, music, and phonetics classes, creating a dynamic environment for artistic expression.


During the last artistic season of 2023-24, the cultural center hosted various events including theatrical, musical, and cinematic performances, organizational events, church gatherings, birthday parties, American and Greek music nights, classical music evenings, piano and violin recitals, continuous utilization of the facility by various schools/universities in the area, screenings of European films and documentaries, organization meetings, book presentations, youth organization conferences, film productions, theater and other organizational meetings, political gatherings, geopolitical analyses from abroad with the presence of foreign diplomats, academic and medical lecture/presentations, educational lectures, presentations of poets and writers from Europe and USA, gastronomy nights, readings of theater and film scripts, presentations of various films, hosting of events from England, Ukraine, Greece, Cyprus, and Turkey, beauty pageants, puppet show, variety show, hosting of various festivals from America and Europe, Art exhibition, as well as weekly acting and elocution classes.


Πρόγραμμα – Program

Το Σπίτι των Ελλήνων – House of Hellenes 

The House of Hellenes” initiative stands as one of the distinguished programs offered by the Hellenic Cultural Center  NYC, extending its gracious hospitality to cultural and other organizations of Hellenic interest lacking a dedicated venue for their events.
Το πρόγραμμα “Το Σπίτι των Ελλήνων” αποτελεί ένα από τα οκτώ προγράμματα του Ελληνικού Πολιτιστικού Κέντρου Νέας Υόρκης, το οποίο παρέχει στέγη σε πολιτιστικούς ή άλλους οργανισμούς με Ελληνικό ενδιαφέρον οι οποίοι δεν έχουν δική τους έδρα.
To date, this program has played host to esteemed organizations hailing from the vibrant Greek-American community, providing them with a distinguished platform to convene, showcase, and engage within the splendid confines of the Hellenic Cultural Center in New York.
Μέχρι στιγμής, το πρόγραμμα φιλοξενεί οργανισμούς από την Ελληνική ομογένεια της Αμερικής, οι οποίοι συνεδριάζουν, παρουσιάζουν και δραστηριοποιούνται στο Ελληνικό Πολιτιστικό Κέντρο Νέας Υόρκης.
Παρακάτω παρουσιάζουμε μερικούς από αυτούς.- Below, we proudly introduce a selection of these distinguished organizations.


Calendar – Hμερολόγιο 



  • (T) Thespis Theater 
  • (N) N. Andriotis Room
  • (F) FAMA Black Box theater 
  • (A) Aegean Hall 
  • (C) Theater or Film Classes 


August – Αύγουστος

  • 23rd Saint Cosmas Celebrations name day (T) 
  • 24th Saint Cosmas Celebrations name day (T) 
  • 31st First Notes of the Season -Music-(8pm) (T) 

September – Σεπτέμβριος

  • 3rd Orthodox Vigil at Saint Cosmas Chapel (8pm)
  • 9th Sons of Pericles Youth meeting (2pm) (N)
  • 14th Greek Elder Care network Presents: The Hellenic-American Project Oral History LINE interview (6:30pm) (T) 
  • 28th AESOP’S FABLES Interactive Theater– (3pm) (T) 
  • 29th ΟΙ ΝΤΙΒΕΣ Του Ελληνικού πενταγράμμου -Music- (8:30pm) (T) 

October – Οκτώβριος

  • 4th Piano Composition on Impressionism – Music -7:30pm (T) 
  • 5th Ο Επικήδειος – The Eulogy – Theater Show –(8pm) (T) 
  • 6th Ο Επικήδειος – The Eulogy – Theater Show – (5pm) (T) 


  • 12th Lysistrata WHITE HOUSE – Theater Show –(8pm) (T) -SOLD OUT-
  • 13th Lysistrata WHITE HOUSE – Theater Show –(4pm) (T) -SOLD OUT-
  • 18th Lysistrata WHITE HOUSE – Theater Show –(8pm) (T)
  • 19th Lysistrata WHITE HOUSE – Theater Show –(8pm) (T)
  • 20th Lysistrata WHITE HOUSE – Theater Show –(4pm) (T)
  • 25th Lysistrata WHITE HOUSE – Theater Show –(8pm) (T)
  • 27th Lysistrata WHITE HOUSE – Theater Show –(8pm) (T)
  • 28th Lysistrata WHITE HOUSE – Theater Show –(4pm) (T)


November – Νοέμβριος

  • 1st Lysistrata WHITE HOUSE – Theater Show –(8pm) (T)
  • 2nd Lysistrata WHITE HOUSE – Theater Show –(8pm) (T)
  • 3rd Lysistrata WHITE HOUSE – Theater Show –(4pm) (T)

December – Δεκέμβριος

  •  (T) (A) (N) (T) 


January – Ιανουάριος

  •  (T) (A) (N) (T) 

February– Φεβρουάριος

  •  (T) (A) (N) (T) 

March – Μάρτιος 

  •  (T) (A) (N) (T)  

April – Απρίλιος

  •  (T) (A) (N) (T) 

May – Μάιος

  •  (T) (A) (N) (T) 

June – Ιούνιος

    •  (T) (A) (N) (T) 

Ο Επικήδειος – The Eulogy

The Story
An elderly writer, returning from the funeral of an acclaimed colleague and anxious for fame, even if only after his own death, calls a fellow writer and tries to convince him they should write each other’s eulogy…
About the author
Iakovos Kambanellis, the late “patriarch of the modern Greek theater,” has written this hilarious dark comedy of a fictional Greek writer who tries to convince his friend to write each other’s eulogy to promote themselves as acclaimed writers. Kambanellis’ ingenuity and originality reveal dark, high-quality, and timeless humor. 
“In ‘The Eulogy,’ the person on the other end of the phone call, without being seen or heard, communicates and interacts with the onstage actor.  The viewer slowly begins to imagine him, know him and even envision his reactions…  Essentially, it is a dialogue where one of the two “speeches” has been removed, yet both are revealed through the words of the caller.” – Iakovos Kambanellis  
“…Michael Dukakis’s in New York was captivating. His genius emotional intelligence, took off in an unforgettable performance, which had the peculiarity of making you laugh and be moved simultaneously, with quality, dark, and contemporary humor.
…”The Eulogy” has been interpreted by many actors from time to time, but Dukakis seduces the viewer with his honesty, humanity and absolute identification with what Iakovos Kambanellis wanted to express…” – Yianna Katsageorgi, Editor in chief at “the National Herald”.
 “At ALKMINI Theatre, in Athens, Michael Dukakis gave the performance of his life, with all the elements exaggerated and inflated, so that the ultimate honor for the honoree becomes an element for fun at the end of his life. The writer wrote and the actor gave the full range of comic variations…
…The audience did not stop laughing at the hero’s ambition and tricks. Michael Dukakis reminded me of the extraordinary late Thimios Karakatsanis (famous Greek actor). The tradition holds up well and I’m glad that a younger man is honoring his generation. Do not miss it.” – Anthoula Daniil, Author, Theater Critic, Ph.D.
Undoubtedly, Mr. Dukakis with clarity of speech, harmonized movements, but also the sharp look of his glances through which creeps the cunning hero wanting to convince his peer over the phone, gives us an outstanding performance like invisible music of light that vibrates the audience.” Kalliopi G. Rapanaki, Theatrologist, Theater Critic.  
“The director Tatiana Skanatovits used Kambanellis’s text in a wonderful way, giving the audience a hilarious dark comedy, thanks also to the wonderful performance of Michael Dukakis. The human nature, in all it’s glory, and also without a trace of dignity, as long as is honored, even after death, even if he doesn’t deserve it. All for the eyes of the world, all just impressions, surface, and lust to be seen. The excellent music choices and the evocative lighting by Vangelis Sagris, as well as Dukakis’s transformation by make-up artist Naiada Sagri, contributed to this excellent result.
“…Mr. Michael Dukakis responds with impeccable technique and talent to the requirements of this role. As he enters the scene, we literally hear his silence speak eloquently through his movement and facial expressions. …Mr. Dukakis shapes, piece by piece, the dramatic character. Masterful skills.
The audience was laughing continuously during the performance, and excitedly applauded the actor, praising Michael Dukakis’s unique talent.” – Nikos Batsikanis, Member of the Greek Union of Theater Critics.
“Through the exceptional delivery of Michael Dukakis’ unique theatrical genius, “The Eulogy” is timely, very timely. What an actor! What a holy rage, Dionysian and inexhaustible. Phantasmagoric ambivalence, orchestra-man, may he always play alone, with thousands of spectators laughing ecstatically in front of him. This show should not be missed.”  – Konstantinos Bouras, Ph.D.
 Performance ID
“The Eulogy” Comedy by Iakovos Kambanellis
Written by Iakovos Kambanellis 
Performed by Michael Dukakis
Directed by Tatiana Skanatovits
Duration: 80 minutes
Lights & Sound Effects: Vaggelis Sagris
Language Consultant: Diana Savas
Supertitles: Michael Dukakis and Diana Savas
Organizer: FAMA Theater Group NY
Ταυτότητα παράστασης 
«Ο Επικήδειος» Κωμωδία του Ιάκωβου Καμπανέλλη 

Σκηνοθεσία: Τατιάνα Σκανάτοβιτς 
Ερμηνεία: Μιχαήλ Δουκάκης 
Διάρκεια: 80’ λεπτά
Φώτα και μουσική επιμέλεια: Βαγγέλης Σαγρής
Αγγλικοί υπέρτιτλοι: Diana Savas & Michael Dukakis
Διοργάνωση εκδήλωσης: FAMA Theater Group NY



Hellenic Cultural Center NYC proudly presents “The FAMA Project 24/25”.

INFO at: 917-635-8867

The “FAMA Project 24/25” is the center’s program for the 2024-25 artistic season, offering a range of theater film and Philosophy classes for children, teenagers and adults.

 Available courses 

  • Acting on Camera Workshop I and II
  • Acting I and II
  • Scene Study I and II
  • Improvisation I and II
  • Theater Workshop for Adults 
  • Theater Workshop for teenagers (13 to 18)
  • Theater Workshop for Kids 

* For Acting on Camera Workshop: Short film: As part of their training, students will act in short film 

* For theater classes: Theater Show at the end of the season at the stage of THESPIS THEATER,


Mαθήματα θεάτρου και κινηματογράφου

Το Ελληνικό Πολιτιστικό Κέντρο της Νέας Υόρκης με υπερηφάνεια παρουσιάζει το “FAMA Project” 

Πληροφορίες στο τηλέφωνο:
Το “FAMA Project” είναι το νέο πρόγραμμα του κέντρου για την καλλιτεχνική σεζόν 2023-24, το οποίο προσφέρει μια σειρά από μαθήματα θεάτρου και κινηματογράφου για παιδιά, εφήβους και ενήλικες.

Προσφερόμενα μαθήματα

  • Acting on Camera Workshop I and II
  • Acting I and II
  • Scene Study I and II
  • Improvisation I and II
  • Theater Workshop for Adults 
  • Theater Workshop for teenagers (13 to 18)
  • Theater Workshop for Kids 
* Για το Acting on Camera Workshop I & II – Ταινία μικρού μήκους – : Στο πλαίσιο της εκπαίδευσής τους, οι μαθητές θα λάβουν μέρος σε ταινία μικρού μήκους
* Για της τάξεις θεάτρου: Θεατρική παράσταση στο τέλος της σεζόν στη σκηνή του ΘΕΑΤΡΟΥ ΘΕΣΠΗΣ,



Acting Classes

Ioanna Katsarou for: 
Click HERE for Ioanna’s BIO 
  • Acting I and II
  • Scene Study I and II
Alex Malaos for: 
Click HERE for Alex BIO
  • Improvisation I and II
Alexandros Colombos for: 
  • Theater History I and II


Manoli Ioannidis for:
Click HERE for Manoli’s BIO
  • Acting on Camera Workshop I and II
Ioanna Katsarou for:
Click HERE for Ioanna’s BIO
  • Theater Workshop for Adults 
  • Theater Workshop for teenagers (13 to 18)
Avgi Atmatzidou for:
  • Theater Workshop for Kids 

Class Description


Acting 1 & 2 (With Ioanna Katsarou) 

Every Monday or Tuesday 6:30 to 9:30 
  • Acting 1 (14-15 Weeks): October 16th to February 12)
  • Acting 2 (14-15 Weeks): February 26 to June 10th)
SHOW TIME: June 14th or 15th or 16th

– The class can be merged with “Scene Study 1 & 2” 

In this course we will study classical and modern plays (19th and early 20th century). We will work on monologues from the Ancient Greek theater – Shakespeare – Chekhov – Ibsen – Tennessee Williams and Eugene O’Neill.

Specifically, we will focus on:

  • The character analysis/ script analysis/ text and subtext/ method of “speech and thought”.
  • Flow and rhythm of the poetic language; balance between musicality and natural intonations in speech.
  • Breath and emotion. How do we trigger emotions through the breath and the diaphragm muscle?

At the end of the course, there will be a presentation of selected monologues (each actor will present one monologue) at “THESPIS Theater” at the Hellenic Cultural Center NYC which will be open to the audience.

*The number of weeks at this class is subject to change (28 or 30 weeks)


Acting on Camera Workshop 1 & 2 (With Manoli Ioannidis) 

Every Tuesday 6:30 to 9:30

  • Acting on Camera 1 (14-15 Weeks): October 17th to February 13)
  • Acting on Camera 2 (14-15 Weeks): February 27 to June 11th)
Movie Screening: October  3rd to 20th TBA

In this Workshop we will study acting on camera for Film, Television, Advertisement and Studio. How to make a demo Reel and audition methods.

Week 1 to 14/15th learning acting:

  • for tv by Manoli Ioannidis
  • for film by Manoli Ioannidis and Alex Agisilaou
  • for Studio by Alexandros Ammohostianos (as a guest speaker)
  • for Advertisement by Alex Malaos (as a guest speaker)
  • Character analysis by Ioanna Katsarou (as a guest speaker)
  • Film Industry (TBA – as a guest speaker)
  • Theater and Acting history by Alexandros Colombo (as a guest speaker)

Week 15-16th to 28-30th acting lessons, how to make a demo Reel, audition methods. and film shooting of the short Film.

– Film screening at Thespis Theater early October 2024

*The number of weeks at this class is subject to change (28 or 30 weeks)


Improvisation 1 & 2 (With Alex Malaos)

Every Wednesday 5:00 to 7:00

  • Improvisation 1 (14-15 Weeks): October 18th to February 14)
  • Improvisation  2 (14-15 Weeks): February 8 to June 12th)


One of the most common responses that befuddled parents give when they are told their child is a little shy and reserved, is: “But you should see her at home! She sings, she dances… She’s a rock star at home!” In fact, they have inadvertently captured the spirit and teaching foundation of our Improv class: We’re all rock stars when we’re at home. When there’s an audience, the walls come up and we turn into safe versions of ourselves, suppressing every natural and instinctual urge to be funny, silly, and real, at the risk of appearing flawed or simply (gasp!) human.

Through interactive games that encourage teamwork and group-mind development, our Improv classes focus on getting students to a level at which they do, indeed, feel at home, and are comfortable enough to be themselves in front of an audience.

And for the ones who already have no problem breaking out of their shell, we work on “harnessing” that energy, and being able to manipulate those expressive tendencies by allowing things to happen organically rather than forcing the joke or going for the easy laugh.

Together we play, think, and share the spotlight. We learn to be respectful of each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and to be fearless and free, as we discover the truth in comedy. Strengthen your auditions by being comfortable in your own skin! Get out of your head and trust yourself, as you learn to make solid choices and go with your gut. Dare to have fun!  


Scene study 1 & 2: (With Ioanna Katsarou)

Every Monday or Tuesday 6:30 to 9:30 
  • Scene Study 1 (14-15 Weeks): October 16th to February 12)
  • Scene Study 2 (14-15 Weeks): February 26 to June 10th)
SHOW TIME: June 14th or 15th or 16th

– The class can be merged with “Acting 1 & 2” –

In this course, we will study scenes from Contemporary plays (American and non-American). We will work on scenes of two or three actors.

During the course we will focus on:

  • Character analysis/ script analysis/ text and subtext.
  • Reactions under specific conditions and circumstances.
  • Actions that underline the themes of the scene and the intentions of the characters.
  • Listening and reacting to each other.
  • Studying different acting methods (realistic/ phycological theater, Stanislavski, epic theater and Brecht, post modernism, physical theater).

At the end of the course, there will be a presentation of selected scenes  at “THESPIS Theater” at the Hellenic Cultural Center NYC which will be open to the audience.

*The number of weeks at this class is subject to change (28 or 30 weeks)


Theater History 1 & 2  (With Alexandros Colombos) 

 Every Thursday 6:30 to 9:30 

  • Theater History 1 (15 Weeks): October 19th to February 15)
  • Theater History 2 (15 Weeks): February 29 to June 13th)
A comprehensive survey of Theater History from its origins in Ancient Greece to the Shakespearean/Elizabethan Theater.  PowerPoint presentation of the history, archaeology, philosophy/theory and aesthetics of the Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Theater.  Emphasis in the playwrights, the movements, key ideas, technology, scenery, costumes, and performance.  Specific works of Ancient Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Medieval, and Renaissance Theater will be analyzed.  Videos of modern performances from selected plays for each time-period will be showed in full length.  A traditional/historical approach will be taken as a criterion for choosing the right performance to display based on the directing style, costumes, and set design in order for the students to understand how those approximately looked like in the times of the playwright.
Weeks 1 to 15 – Introduction to Theater, Ancient Greek and Roman Theater
Introduction to the theater and its origins.  The study of theater and its evolution through time and culture.  The origins of Ancient Greek Theater: Did the Minoans had theater and musical/dance performances?  Aristotle’s Poetics and his Definition of Tragedy.  The three Greek Tragedians.  Satiric Drama.  Greek Comedy and Aristophanes.  Hellenistic Theater: Menander and for the first time in a theater history class: an unknown, but important Greek comedian Herondas and his Mimes!!!  The Roman Theater and the Odeion.  
Weeks 16 to 30 – Byzantine, Medieval, and Elizabethan Theater
For the first time in a Theater History class:  The Byzantine Theater, its forgotten secular and religious plays and performances how they survived in the Modern Greek folklore.   Byzantine Theater’s only saved play: Suffering Christ!!!  Medieval Theater: Cycle Plays, Moral Plays and the social and their religious context.  The secular Medieval Theater and the Church.  Italian Renaissance and Commedia dell’ Arte:  mimes, farce, carnivals, acrobats, and street theater. English Renaissance and William Shakespeare: The Elizabethan Theater and its basic plays.


Class Calendar - Ημερολόγιο μαθημάτων
Hours & Pricing - Ώρες & Τιμές

Acting 1 & 2 

(3 hours per week – 45$ per week) 



Acting 1

(15 weeks)

OCTOBER: 16 – 23 – 30

NOVEMBER: 6 – 13 – 20 – 27

DECEMBER: 4 – 11 – 18 


JANUARY: 8  – 22 – 29 


mid-winter break

 Acting 2

(14 weeks)


MARCH: 4 – 11 – 18 – 25

APRIL: 1 – 8 – 15 – 22 – 29

MAY: 13 – 20 

JUNE: 3 -10

SHOW TIME: June 14 or 15 or 16

Acting on Camera Workshop 1 & 2 

(3 hours per week – 75$ per week)


Acting on Camera Workshop 1

(16 weeks)

OCTOBER: 17 – 24

NOVEMBER: 7 – 14 – 21 – 28

DECEMBER: 5 – 12 – 19 


JANUARY: 2 –  9 – 16 – 23 – 30 


mid-winter break

Acting on Camera Workshop 2

(14 weeks)


MARCH: 5 – 12 – 19 – 26

APRIL: 2 – 9 – 16 – 23 – 30

MAY: 7 – 14 – 21 – 28

Movie screening: October 2024 (TBA)

Improvisation 1 & 2

 (2 hours per week – 30$ per week)


Improvisation 1

(15 weeks)

OCTOBER: 18 – 25

NOVEMBER: 1 – 8 – 15 – 22 – 29

DECEMBER: 6 – 13 – 20 


JANUARY: 3 – 10 – 17 – 24 – 31

Improvisation 2

(15 weeks)

FEBRUARY: 7 – 14

mid-winter break


MARCH: 6 – 13 – 20 – 27

APRIL: 3 – 10 – 17 – 24

MAY: 8 – 15 – 22 – 29

SHOW TIME: June 7 or 8 or 9

Scene study 1 & 2

(3 hours per week – 45$ per week) 


Scene Study 1

(16 Weeks)

OCTOBER: 19 – 26 

NOVEMBER: 2 – 9 – 16 – 30

DECEMBER: 7 – 14 – 21 


JANUARY: 4 – 11 – 18 – 25

FEBRUARY: 1 – 8 – 15

mid-winter break

Scene Study 2

(14 Weeks)


MARCH: 7 – 14 – 21 – 28

APRIL: 4 – 11 – 18 – 25

MAY: 9 – 16 – 23 – 30

JUNE: 6 

SHOW TIME: June 14 or 15 or 16

Theater History 1 & 2

(3 hours per week – FREE) 


Theater History 1

(15 Weeks)

OCTOBER: 19 – 26 

NOVEMBER: 2 – 9 – 16 – 30

DECEMBER: 7 – 14 – 21 


JANUARY: 4 – 11 – 18 – 25


Theater History 2

(14 Weeks)


mid-winter break


MARCH: 7 – 14 – 21 – 28

APRIL: 4 – 11 – 18 – 25

MAY: 9 – 16 – 23 – 30

JUNE: 6  

The above calendar is subject to change accordingly

We are entering the new era of the Hellenic Cultural Center focusing on 8 themes and 24 sub-themes.

With 8 thematic and 24 sub-thematic units and with 9 new programs on the way, we are ready to reestablish the H.C.C as the main cultural center not only of Hellenes in the United States of America, but as a beacon of culture, art and creativity for Astorians and Americans of every cultural, linguistic and religious background in the greater New York City area

Choose the right space for your next event, show, , rehearsal, business meeting, reading, lecture or gathering

Our Team

Next to Alexandros Ammohostianos, our new Artistic Director and next to Fr. Greogory Telemachos Stamkopoulos , director of the center, we are proud to present the: 


An elite group of academics, writers, poets, artists, directors  and experts in various fields, dedicated to lay the foundations for a new reborn Hellenic Cultural Center that can cope with the needs of the new era  

Alex Ammohostianos
Alex Ammohostianos
Artistic Director
Avgi Maria Atmatzidou
Avgi Maria Atmatzidou
Social/Cultural Consultant
Eleni Koundi
Eleni Koundi
Member of "Theater Committee
Manoli Ioannidis
Manoli Ioannidis
Artistic/Theatrical Consultant
Chrysa Petridou
Chrysa Petridou
Music and theater Committee
Alexander Colombus
Alexander Colombus
Scholarly Consultant
Nicos Alexiou
Nicos Alexiou
Scholarly Consultant
Ioannis Iosifidis
Ioannis Iosifidis
IT Consultant
Gregory Telemachos Stamkopoulos
Gregory Telemachos Stamkopoulos
Center's Director
Maria Micheles
Maria Micheles